Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  • 1. What is a Referral Code ?

    REFERRAL CODE – Is the unique code that is generated by the system which they can use to refer others to FITTO. Anybody, who is registered with FITTO and has a Referral Code can Refer a Patient or a Doctor to FITTO and earn Referral Benefits.

  • 2. What is a Referrer Code ?

    REFERRER CODE – Is the code that a REFEREE/REFERRED ( new user) uses to register himself/ herself.

    If it is missed out during registration or onboarding by helpdesk, then the “benefits' ' for the REFERRER are lost as far as this new user is concerned.

  • 3. I want to be a referrer for FITTO, how can I get a referrer code to share with other potential new users?

    You can  "Create a New Account" on the FITTO login screen and provide the required details, a referral code will be generated by the system automatically. Anyone who is already registered with FITTO will have a Referral Code available in their patient profile  and it can be shared with other new users to be used as Referrer code .

  • 4. I have a referrer code but I am not able to use it and self register with FITTO. What should I do ?

    Registering with FITTO is easy. You can register by clicking on "Create New Account" on the FITTO login screen and providing the required details. During registration, enter the Referrer code and register.


    Anyone  can call the FITTO helpdesk number -9900927935  and they can get help in registering  with FITTO using the referrer code they have with them .

    They will also get their own  referral code after successful registration .

    1. If you are a Practitioner/ Doctor – For existing practitioners who do not have a Referral code, helpdesk can generate one for them and share with them over registered email or
    2. If you are a Franchise – For all franchises, helpdesk will generate the code while onboarding the franchise and share the code over registered email or mobile SMS.
  • 5. Why do I need a referral code?

    You can use this code to refer your friends and family members to FITTO services and get referral benefits when they start using FITTO for medical consultations.

  • 6. I have made a few referrals, where are my benefits? How do I receive / claim the same?

    As a referrer If you provide your referral code or your user details to the helpdesk team, they can provide you with the details of the number of consultations that have been done by users you have referred.


    1. i) If your referred users have used your REFERRAL CODE during registering as a new user, Only then their consultations will be reflected as your referred consultations and qualify for Referral Benefits.


    1. ii) Your referred users should have paid for their respective consultations for them to be eligible and reflected in the list of referred consultations. You will receive your benefits based on the referred paid consultations.


    iii)  If you still have queries regarding missing referred benefits, you may need to provide the appointment details like date of appointment, doctor name, patient name or “Appointment ID” of the respective consultations.

  • 7. Do I receive my claim benefits automatically or do I have to claim them? How?

    You will receive your benefits automatically transferred electronically to the account details you have provided. Your account should be set up to receive electronic transfers.


    1. i) Accrued Service Fees due to a referrer for a whole month will be paid within a maximum 30 calendar days from the end of that month.

    You can reach out to FITTO helpdesk for any clarifications.


    1. ii) Any false claim by the referrer may enforce forfeiture of the entire month's referral fee for that referrer.


    iii)  Referrer must provide his/her bank account details or UPI ID  where the Service Fee is to be electronically transferred by FPM. Any Service Fee will only be transferred to the respective account of the referrer on record with FPM. Referrers will be fully responsible for maintaining correct account information with FPM and keeping that account enabled till such payment(s) is/are due. No phone call can be entertained in this respect. Only written communication or a message from a registered email/ phone number will be entertained.

  • 8. As per my understanding, the number of my referred consultations for a specific period that match your list, however my expected benefits are higher/ lower than what I have received.
      1. In this case helpdesk will request some time to investigate. Promise the user to call back with resolution.
      2. First validate the consultations list that the user has provided matches the consultations that are showing up in the system.
  • 9. I have referred a friend but he/she missed giving my referral code. I want that registration to be linked to my benefit. or I registered but I missed entering the referral code of my friend from whom I found out about FITTO. I want to give my friend the credit. How do I add it now?

    In this case it is not possible to pass on the referral benefits. Our system does not allow to link or de-link existing users to/ from a referrer.

  • 10. What is a PROMO code?

    It is a code that can be used by patients while booking appointments to avail discounts on the consultation fee.

    • more than one promo code can not be used at a time  for a single appointment.
    • FITTO will issue PROMO codes along with validity and T&C from time to time which will be communicated to users via emails, SMS etc. It may also be available on our website or promotional brochures/ banners.
  • 11. How does a patient get a PROMO code?

    FITTO will issue PROMO codes along with validity and T&C from time to time which will be communicated to users via emails, SMS etc. It may also be available on our website or promotional brochures/ banners.

    In case if you have not provided your e-mail address or phone number during registration , you can update the details from your FITTO login or you can call FITTO Helpdesk(9900927935) and ask to update the same.


    In case if you have not provided your e-mail address or phone number during registration , you can update the details from your FITTO login or you can call FITTO Helpdesk - 9900927935  and ask to update the same.

  • 12. How does PROMO code work?

    If the patient has used a PROMO code for booking an appointment, he will get a message about the discounted consultation fee amount that he must pay. The discount that will apply may be a fixed amount or a percentage on the consultation fee.


    More than one  promo code can not be used at a time  for a single appointment.

  • 13. I have a PROMO code which is not working when I try to book an appointment.

    Please reach out to the Support Team -  or  900927935. Helpdesk can check the validity of the PROMO code and let the user know accordingly.

  • FAQ - Four simple steps - FITTO