Let THYDOR be your guide in finding out the right dose of Levothyroxine

Patients of Hypothyroidism taking Levothyroxine, have to constantly monitor their dosage so that the levels of Levothyroxine meet the correct requirements. This can be troublesome in the process of treatment as the number of doctor visitations to regulate medication can be as frequent as once every at the minimum. THYroid DOse Regulator or THYDOR® provided by FITTO. THYDOR® is an online solution which provides you with the information on how much change is required in your  Levothyroxine dose based on the most recent TSH values.

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Why choose THYDOR® for Hypothyroidism

FITTO’s goal is to assist patients in a manner where the process of treatment is as easy as it can be. THYDOR is an embodiment of that goal. It is essential for patients suffering from Hypothyroidism to have the precise dose of Levothyroxine. But due to the constant change in dosage, patients are burdened with the task of constantly consulting physicians and monitoring their levels. THYDOR aims to reduce that burden by allowing patients to have access to a tool that can conveniently provide the change in doses from convenience of your home.

What our Patients tell about us

Advantages: Visit Doctor Vs THYDOR®

No need to Visit/Consult Doctor

100% Accuracy

AI Integrated

Simple 4 Steps to use THYDOR

THYDOR, our new AI tool can accurately calculate your Levothyroxine dose every time. This means no more doctor appointments, no more waiting and no more travel.
Step 1
Visit App
Visit our application
Visit our application at
Step 2 (a)
Authentication through mobile
Authentication through mobile

Provide mobile number and click on send otp button, once the otp is received enter it and click on sign in button to start using the system

Step 2 (b)
*Authentication through Payment ID or Token
*Authentication through Payment ID or Token

Token or Payment ID can be also used to get into the system by clicking on “Click here to use THYDOR via Token / Payment ID”

Step 3
Purchase / Book
Purchase / Book

On successful sign in users can either purchase services or book service to be used later by other users.

Users can either buy a single use or bulk services.

On Successful payment, payment id will be given which the user can use to log into the system

On Successful booking, a token will be given which the user can use to login and pay to use the service later.

Step 4
Calculating Levothyroxine

To use the system, provide your TSH level in (mIU/L) and current Levothyroxine in (mcg) and click on calculate dose button.


  • If I install the THYDOR app, will it be a substitute for blood tests?

    No, you will have to test your blood for TSH and then you can use THYDOR.

  • How long does THYDOR take to give results?

    THYDOR will tell you how much dose you need to take instantly. No need to wait.

  • What information will I need to use the THYDOR app?

    All you need is your recent blood TSH level and the dose of Levothyroxine you are currently taking.

  • I have used the THYDOR app to regulate me medicine dose. Do I need to recheck my TSH levels?

    Yes, you will need to test your blood for TSH after 3weeks from start of new dose.